Our annual customer events are all about the "digital product" and offer the opportunity to exchange experiences with professional colleagues.
At the end of September 2020, we welcome our customers to the annual exchange of experience at the foundry in Oerlikon. Our topic this year: B2B companies with networked product data create digital consistency for marketing, sales, engineering, production and service. This enables them to inform their customers around the clock, provide comprehensive advice, offer individually tailored products and accelerate the sales process enormously.
A practical programme and concentrated knowledge packed into three exciting and vivid presentations await you at the foundry event. Our Foundry Event has become one of the most important meeting places for PLM insights and intensive exchange. You can find more about Foundry-2020 topics here: Click the button "Pictures and presentations".
Why is an existing catalogue with an e-shop, which makes thousands of products available to customers, being replaced by a completely new solution? What do 3D visualizations on the web have to do with CAD? And who needs 3D printing? And how should artificial intelligence (AI) support development for 3D printing and make concepts for process chains easier? Practical input on these questions with concentrated knowledge was provided by three exciting and vivid presentations. As a traditional event dedicated to the "digital product", the foundry event has become one of the most important meeting points for PLM insights and intensive exchange. More about the Foundry 2019 topics and downloads can be found here
Das war der Neujahrs-Apéro 2019! Die Erinnerungen bleiben: Wir erhielten spannende Einblicke bei der SR Technics und in die Hangars von SWISS Technics. Wir erlebten Flugzeugwartungen aus nächster Nähe und fühlten uns neben den grossen Vögeln für einmal recht klein. Intelliact Neujahrs-Apéro: Unser jährlicher Kundenanlass zum Networken.
Intelliacts Neujahrs-Apéro in Bildern – bitte rechts weiterklicken:
Es war ein inspirierender Tag mit tollen Referenten, wertvollen Impulsen, intensivem Networking. Als mittlerweile traditioneller Event ganz im Zeichen des «Digitalen Produktes» ist der Giesserei-Anlass ein wichtiger Treffpunkt für Insights und intensiven Austausch. 20 Jahre Intelliact – 20 Jahre «Digitales Produkt».
Intelliact turned 20! and took its customers on a time travel through the history of innovation at IWC Schaffhausen and let highlights of the Intelliact company history pass by. We captured the best moments with video and pictures.