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Join us as the industry meets online to discuss exciting topics for the future. At this conference you will see concrete examples of implemented projects and research results and have the opportunity to network. The event platform makes presentations, break-out sessions and speed dating as well as networking possible in a fresh format.
We look forward to seeing you - whether at our virtual stand, in an Intelliact breakout session or speed dating.
The 17. International PLM Conference brought together researchers, developers and users of product lifecycle management form 6th to 8th July 2020 to address current issues in the broad field of product lifecycle management.
Intelliact participated daily in the panel discussions during the webinars. As an PLM expert and together with industry experts we shared and discussed our experiences in implementing PLM and BIM. The following webinar was on the program:
Efficiency in Plant Engineering through Configurable Products
Roland Dinner, Head of Applications CAD/PDM
Marco Frick, Head of ATO/EqC Program
BIM - Development of Best Practice
Thorsten Strathaus, Senior Consultant BIM
Implementing the smart factory
Prof. Dr. Roman Hänggi, CEO DigitalLab@HSR
In addition, Intelliact was available during the entire conference with chat and video chat in the "Channel Intelliact" for questions about product data. Participants have experienced how to successfully plan, implement and apply digital integrated solutions for marketing, sales, engineering, production and service in B2B companies with connected product data. This will allow them to inform your customers around the clock, provide comprehensive advice, offer individually tailored products and accelerate the sales process.
At the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil (HSR) Intelliact was present as an exhibitor at the 4th digitization conference and met well-known companies and technology experts. We exchanged information about needs and processes over the entire product lifecycle and about great potentials for new digital business models. Main topics were:
From practice for practice. Organizer: DigitalLab@HSR.
Hundreds of people had accepted the invitation of the "Industry 2025" initiative and visited the Industry Forum on 8 May 2019, where experts presented usecases that were on the way to Industry 4.0 guidance, inspiration and role models - basic topics consisting of at least five building blocks:
The fifth symposium took place on the 18 April 2018. New: Swiss Digital Product Innovation Symposium. Dr. Christian Bacs, Dipl. Masch. Ing. ETH and Senior Consultant at Intelliact AG were also involved in a presentation relating to the field: "Consistent product structures as a central element of the digitization strategy".
Slideshow from the Swiss Digital Product Innovation Symposium 2018:
More than 300 people attended the "Industry 2025" initiative and visited the annual conference in mid-May 2018.
Photos from the annual meeting «Industry 2025»:
The "Industry 2025" initiative presented two new online tools to support companies on their digital journey at the annual conference.