How article descriptions can be translated automatically and clearly
The global Buhler Group is faced with the challenge of using and translating hundredsthousands of articlesdesignations and text parts for machines uniformly in different languages.
A uniform terminology and description should enable the same article entry and automatic translation. The number of articles should thus be reduced and less "data garbage" should be created, which in turn reduces the effort in data maintenance and saves costs.
By continuously updating translated terms, the system will improve itself, which means an enormous workload reduction and time saving worldwide.
How does the company deal with homonyms if a word stands for several terms? And how can the same term meaning be given in foreign languages? For example, unlike German, there is no preposition in Chinese. How does Buhler manage foreign languages that differ greatly in syntax (language structure)?
When entering articles, the engineer simply selects the appropriate standard term for his article in his input language in the system. The term entered is also recognized across the system. Translations are carried out automatically, whereby words that are the same but have different meanings (homonyms) are correctly interpreted and translated.
Buhler and Intelliact build on the knowledge base of the terminology database and implement a term selector for the complex language-specific topic. It is based on a "key" developed by terminology experts.
In the future, the partial text management developed by Intelliact will be able to go one step further and update new term entries for all languages. With this continuous improvement in parts naming, employees worldwide can securely access unique article descriptions.
Do you also strive for seamless, cross-system and system-neutral article naming with a uniform structure on a global multilingual level? We would be happy to support you in the implementation of your terminology/translation project.