Would you like to develop an idea in the area of business productivity applications as a team and get more out of your product data? Or develop and evaluate possible solutions for a dashboard or a specific app use case in order to utilise your product data even better?
Starter packages
With our two workshops ‘Ideation’ and ‘Use Case’, we offer you attractive ‘starter packages’. Check potentials with experienced Intelliact experts or define optimal procedures for a specific use case - solution-neutral, cost-efficient and non-binding.
‘Ideation’ workshop
The ‘Ideation’ workshop is a structured format for jointly recognising potential and assessing feasibility. Bring your ideas about product data and use cases, ask questions and exchange ideas with Intelliact experts. Together we will categorise needs and develop initial solutions - without obligation and system-neutral.
You select a handful of creative workshop participants from your company who are willing to get actively involved and work with us to generate ‘added value with product data’ over the course of a day. Experience has shown that the workshops are most effective when both decision-makers and users take part in the discussions.
Interested? Do you have a customised workshop requirement? We are looking forward to your ideas!
Get in touch with us.
’Use Case’ workshop
In this hands-on workshop on product data and business productivity apps, we will take specific use cases from your company and discuss them as a team. Together, we will explore how product data can create added value, define a customer journey (i.e. how an app can be used), including all company systems involved in the process, and develop possible solution variants. Simple sketches and wireframes as well as the estimation of a rough cost and time frame for implementation create a solid basis for deciding on a variant.
Sie bringen einen oder mehrere konkrete Anwendungsfälle aus Ihrem Unternehmen mit, die dazu dienen sollen, «Mehrwert mit Produktdaten» zu generieren. Zudem wählen Sie rund zehn Workshop-Teilnehmende aus, die ein bis zwei Tage kreativ arbeiten und etwas bewegen wollen. Erfahrungsgemäss ist der Workshop am effektivsten, wenn sowohl Entscheider als auch Anwender mitdiskutieren.
Interested? We would be happy to tell you more about the Use Case Workshop in person. Do you have an individual workshop requirement? Talk to us – we will be happy to offer you a suitable solution.